Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 2nd 2009

Arrived at the airport at 4:40am and did all of the check in, had coffee with mom and Keith, took the flight to Vancouver and then to Calgary, uneventful. In Calgary I took the Taxi directly to the bus depot where I met this interesting girl who was going to be waiting in the bus depot for 8 hours so she could take the bus to saskatoon (weird). The bus which was supposed to arrive at 1:30 was 1 1/2 hours late, so I didn't arrive in Red Deer until 5 where I met Julie, Kwan and Emilio. Julie made couscous and I got to chat with everyone :). We played a game where we got to tell
obscure things about each other and I learned everyone's name. I'm having a lot of fun so far.